Posts tagged ‘Courage’

May 28, 2012





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May 25, 2012

Friday Fun Facts

Pictures I like-002


1.  8th grade graduate :

Pictures I like13

(click picture to enlarge)

2. A Song:


3. PhotoQuote:



Linking with:

friday favorite things finding joy

friday favorite things | finding joy


4.  A poem:

A lesson in courage for me…poetry style

(yes I have 3


5. The run down:

Daughter graduated 8th grade Tuesday night, we made the picture board, organized the photo book, she sang and played piano for the ceremony, she also sang in a trio, she just got back from a 3 day class trip over last weekend, yesterday we sang together in the Jr. high talent show. This little Christian school has been her place to go for 8 years.


6.  Then and Now

Almost 14 years ago 

and now



7.  Mother and Daughter Duet for School Talent Show:


8.  Quote Tina Shared on F of L -FB page:

“By starving emotions we become humorless, rigid and stereotyped; by repressing them we become literal, reformatory and holier-than-thou; encouraged, they perfume life; discouraged, they poison it.”
~Joseph Collins


Linking with:

Mommy's Idea


9. Some tidbits done in Mrs. 4444 style:

*I got lettuce to cut in my garden…

love me a good salad.

*Kitty got some little mouse toys

so he is happy!!

* Dog got a new collar so she isn’t yanking herself loose on the chain outside anymore. Hurray!

* Little Mister got a new Booster seat for the car, since he dismantled the latch for the last car seat. Smile with tongue out Little stinker!

* Heading to see my dad in a few days and then to see my sister after that… YIPPY!!!

Linking with a new Friend:

miscellany monday at lowercase letters


10. Thought:

Aren’t Fridays WONDERFUL!!! no facts next week …I’m outta town!! :0)

Have a great Friday!!


May 24, 2012

To Let it go…

Courage is an interesting word to stick to for a month. Life is so mundane that courage seems useless at times…and then the lesson came.

While at practice with our worship team I messed up on my finger cue’s  for the band to follow. Right after the song finished my husband calls out “STARLA! you have to pay attention to your fingers because we are following them!. “ I have heard that tone before. You know the one I am talking about …the CORRECTOR tone. All I could do short of complete implosion from embarrassment was calmly through slightly gritted teeth say “ I know. “  I got through the last to songs and went straight to the bathroom.

While passing fellow church members, who are all BTW cheerily saying “good morning!” I manage to eek out a tight lipped courtesy smile while bolting for the bathroom door. My heart was pounding. I was angry. I was in full repression of emotion. I was so afraid that if I did speak I would break like a dam and a flood of emotion would erupt. I prayed to God to help me to Let it go, “Lord help me, I forgive him, I let it go.” I walk to the mirror and my eyes tell the story. I had not let it go. It had me! I was fully in the grip!

I was suppose to get up on stage in less than a half an hour and minister to the people, allow God to flow through me. How was I going to do that when I had just put a cork in it! I was upset and now I was even upset with myself. I went to the coffee bar hoping to sip some fire of the Lord into my soul that could overcome this shadowy cloud that had just taken me over.

Then a sweet lady named Jennifer at church asked me in full sincere tone and smile “how are you doing this morning?” I look at her…blankly as the slow token words fell from my lips “ I’m good “ as I cringed in mid – sentence. She kept eye contact and that’s when it happened. I felt courage rise up in me and I said “ I’m not ok, my husband corrected me in front of everyone and I am angry, It was embarrassing!” Then the most amazing thing happened. I felt relief.     I look at her and all I could say was       “thank you!” I couldn’t believe how much better I felt. I had  – LET GO. I had always heard that statement Let go and Let God and thought ok so easier said than done. But I was totally trying to control my emotions and how people perceived me and I was failing miserably. I looked cold, disinterested, and detached. But once I let go of what I was trying to control God filled me with His joy again….and it was over.

I made a quick mental note of what had just happened and when the next situation happened where I felt like a ball of emotional repressed mess, and I was asked “ If I was tired or something?” (because they could tell I was not ok) I simple looked them in the eye and said how I was feeling… and it was over. Light-ness returned.

I found courage! During Vulnerable month I expressed great fear over speaking my feelings… God is walking me down some interesting paths of learning! Open-mouthed smile

May 21, 2012

Courage #3


Linking with Lori :

May 16, 2012

Truth Quote # 5


It takes courage to believe that God moves you at His command!! Something to think about…

John 6:44a No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him.


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May 14, 2012

Courage #2


Yes it does take courage..especially when the norm is to run from suffering in one way or another.



Today I am linking with Lori over at Life, Love and Laughter in a Large Family -She loves quotes and so do we! She posts on Friday – here our Quotes we are on Mondays…