Archive for ‘Got Connections?’

September 19, 2014


Hugging is healthy; it helps the body’s immunity
system, it keeps you healthier, it cures depression, it
reduces stress, it induces sleep, it’s invigorating,
and rejuvenating, it has no unpleasant side effects,
and hugging is nothing less than a miracle drug.
Hugging is all natural: it is organic, naturally sweet,
no pesticides, no preservatives, no artificial
ingredients, and is 100 percent wholesome.
Hugging is practically perfect: there are no moveable
parts, no batteries to wear out, no periodic checkups,
low energy consumption, high energy yield, insulation
proof, non-fattening, no monthly payments, no insurance
requirements, theft-proof, non-taxable, non-polluting,
and, of course, fully returnable.
  — Submitted by Gary Kallio

September 8, 2014

Tina Smith’s invitation is awaiting your response

Tina Smith would like to connect on LinkedIn. How would you like to respond?
Tina Smith
Office Manager at Breeden Tree Service, Inc.
Confirm you know Tina
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© 2014, LinkedIn Corporation. 2029 Stierlin Ct. Mountain View, CA 94043, USA


September 2, 2014

Tina Smith’s invitation is awaiting your response

Tina Smith would like to connect on LinkedIn. How would you like to respond?
Tina Smith
Office Manager at Breeden Tree Service, Inc.
Confirm you know Tina
You are receiving Reminder emails for pending invitations. Unsubscribe
© 2014, LinkedIn Corporation. 2029 Stierlin Ct. Mountain View, CA 94043, USA


August 25, 2014

I’d like to add you to my professional network on LinkedIn

Hi of,
I’d like to add you to my professional network on LinkedIn.
– Tina
Confirm that you know Tina
Tina Smith
Office Manager at Breeden Tree Service, Inc.
Cedar Rapids, Iowa Area
Other people you may know on LinkedIn
Tina Smith
Tina Smith
Office Manager at Breeden Tree Service, Inc.
Fred Wilcox
Fred Wilcox
John Beltramea
John Beltramea
Broker Associate Iowa Realty Cedar Rapids Iowa
You are receiving Invitation to Connect emails. Unsubscribe
This email was intended for of Friendships. Learn why we included this.
© 2014, LinkedIn Corporation. 2029 Stierlin Ct. Mountain View, CA 94043, USA


August 18, 2014

Freedom & Control Over Our Life


Trees on green meadow and water splash. Hot Air Balloon in the sky

     The day all excuses and all explaining stop.  The day we stop living our life making decisions based on "what others may think".  The day we cut out all "defensive talk" and "guilt". The day we start answering to ourselves and to God – if He’s part of our life……that’s the day we gain freedom and control.

     When someone comes to this point in their life, a real sense of peace takes over. However, there is a price to pay:  everyone may not like what we say or do.  You may not please everyone all the time.  They may talk about you.  It’s no longer my goal to please other people all the time.

     When done with honesty, integrity, consistency and within our core beliefs, what we say becomes more real than just telling others what they want to hear.  They will come to respect our honesty.  The trick is doing this without hurting others and trying to avoid conflict, if at all possible.

     Arriving at this point in our life is wonderful.  –RL

March 28, 2014

An Oath of Perseverance

Love "always protects, always trusts, always hopes,
always perseveres" (1 Corinthians 13:7, NIV).

I will never give up so long as I know I’m right.

I will believe that all things will work out for me if
I hang on until the end.

I will be courageous and undismayed in the face of

I will not permit anyone to intimidate me or deter me
from my goals.

I will fight to overcome all physical limitations and

I will try again and again and yet again to accomplish
my dreams.

I will take new faith and resolution from the knowledge
that all successful people have had to overcome defeat
and adversity.

I will never surrender to discouragement or despair, no
matter what.  By Herman Sherman