Archive for February 22nd, 2013

February 22, 2013


A sample of Daily Encounter by Dick Innes

"He [Jesus] did not retaliate when he was insulted.
When he suffered, he did not threaten to get even. He
left his case in the hands of God, who always judges
fairly" (1 Peter 2:23, NLT).

"He who fears criticism," declared Thomas Jefferson,
"is hopeless. Only those who do things are criticized.
The idler is lost sight of in the march of events–but
the doer is watched and criticized. To hesitate for
fear of criticism loses the battle while the doers
march on to victory and triumphs.

"If your cause is right, be not afraid of criticism:
Advocate it, expound it, and, if need be, fight for it.
Critics always will be, but to the strong-minded they
are a help rather than a hindrance. As the horse spurts
forward when prodded with the spur, so the doers forge
ahead under the last of criticism. Take your part on
life’s stage and play your part to the end. Stand for
that which is good [that which is right]. Be a doer,
not a drone. Look the world in the face and let the
critics criticize."

The fact is those who achieve anything worthwhile in
life are bound to be the target for the jabs and jibes
of jealous lesser men. Furthermore, the person who, for
fear of criticism, tries to please everyone, ends up
pleasing no one.

Realize, too, that an incessant, negative criticizer
with a chip on his/her shoulder is basically an angry
person. They have never resolved their hurts from the
past and are looking for hooks to hang their anger on.
That is, they are projecting their anger and/or
failures onto others rather than accepting the
responsibility for their own unresolved issues.
On the other hand, when constructive criticism is
given, let’s accept it in the spirit in which it is
given, evaluate it realistically, and make changes
where necessary. This is a characteristic of a mature

Suggested prayer: "Dear God, please help me to be
Christ-like when criticized in that I accept all
criticism in a mature manner and don’t become
defensive. Wherever the criticism is valid, help me to
accept it gladly and make changes accordingly. Thank
you for hearing and answering my prayer. Gratefully, in
Jesus’ name, amen.

NOTE: If you would like to accept God’s forgiveness for
all your sins and His invitation for a full pardon
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